MountainSphere for color measurement

The color of surfaces can be determined very easily and accurately using the Reflection variants of the MountainSphere.
For this purpose, a fiber-coupled broadband light source is connected to the collimating lens built into the MountainSphere.
A collimated light beam thus illuminates the surface of the sample, which is simply placed on the MountainSphere or alternatively the MountainSphere is placed on the sample.
The light reflected from the sample surface by the approximately 4 mm spot is then captured completely and independently of the angle by the sphere and forwarded to the spectrometer, which is also fiber-coupled.
Using a white reference measurement according to our white standards made of optical PTFE, the spectrometer software finally calculates the color coordinates of the surface in the common color spaces L,a,b or x,y,z as well as the ΔE values between different color measurements.

Technical data

CoatingBaSO4, gold, PTFE
Inner diamter50 mm or 100 mm
Port diamter10 mm or 20 mm (exchangeable)
Fiber connectorSMA
CalibrationSpectral irradiance [µW/(cm² nm)] (optional)
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