Tunable Cateye lasers (CEL)
The MOGLabs Cateye laser offers a new approach to external cavity diode lasers. A Cateye reflector and an ultra-narrow filter replace the alignment-sensitive diffraction grating of conventional Littrow and Litman-Metcalf designs. For wavelengths from 500 nm up to 1612 nm.
The CEL is robust, stable and acoustically inert. The manufacturer promises that you can literally hit it with a hammer and it will retain its settings. It is also self-aligning by design, so you can tune through dozens of nanometers without the need for realignment. In combination with the MOGLabs electronics, the linewidth can be well below 100 kHz. The CEL is available for most wavelengths between 450 to 530 nm and 630 to 1620 nm, with powers up to 250 mW extra-cavity.
The MOGLabs CEX housing enables the internal mounting of an isolator. We will be happy to find options for isolators for you.
- Cateye-filter-Design
- Fast piezo feedback
- Precise wavelength adjustment
- Direct modulation with high bandwidth (20 MHz)
- Microwave RF modulation
- Wavelengths 450 – 530 nm, 630 – 1620 nm
- Diode protection circuit and relay
- Acoustically inert and passively stable
- Narrow line width (usually below 100 kHz)
- Low frequency noise
- Self-calibrating
- High feedback bandwidth
- Laser cooling and trapping
- Bose-Einstein condensation
- Quantum computer for captured ions
- Quantum optics
- Electromagnetic transparency and slow light
- Time and frequency standards
- Laser spectroscopy