Modular UV/Vis spectrometer IndiGo

The IndiGo UV/Vis from Goyalab is a portable spectrometer for measurements in the visible range and can measure emission, absorption or transmission spectra from 380 nm to 780 nm at a resolution of less than 1.5 nm (FWHM).

The SpectroLab software, which is available as pc application (USB-C) or as android version (Bluetooth), is included and comes with the spectrometer.
The standard calibration is wavelength calibration. Optionally the IndiGo can be calibrated for intensity.


  • Modular design
  • Connection via Bluetooth or USB
  • Battery or mains supply
  • CE & TELEC certified (FCC in progress)
  • Plug-n-Play-Interface for pc applications
  • Available for android and windows

Additional modules

GoyaLab provides additional modules for the IndiGo UV/Vis to extend the range of functions:

  • Fiber optic adapter (standard)
  • Fluorescence with UVA excitation source
  • Fluorescence with UVA and UVB excitation source
  • Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF)
  • Spectrophotometer: A cuvette holder module for absorbance and fluorescence measurements on a liquid contained in a cuvette.

Possible applications

  • Chemical analysis
  • Education and research
  • Gemology
  • Characterization of light sources and filters
  • Bio science
  • Health science
Request a quote


    The OEM version of the IndiGo UV/Vis is compatible with many spectrum analysis applications. It can be used in laboratories or as integrated solution for industrial applications.
    The spectral range can be configured from 380 nm to 900 nm and the spectral resolution (FWHM) can be adjusted between 0,8 nm and 3 nm (FWHM). Power is supplied via USB 3.0 (USB type C), for acquisition and analysis the pc application SpectroLab (Win10 64bits) is available, that comes with the spectrometer.


    Monochrome CMOS
    1280 x 5,4 µm (pixel size)
    Wavelength range380 nm - 780 nm
    Spectral resolution <1.5 nm (FWHM)
    Slit (W x H) 25 µm x 3 mm
    Grating600 Lines/mm, 500 nm Blaze
    Integration time range10 ms-24 s (multi cycles acquisition available)
    System configurations
    Battery1000 mAh
    10 h in operation & 24 h in standby mode
    Data format.txt .csv .pdf
    Power5 V - 750 mA
    Environmental conditions
    Temperature0 °C - 30 °C operation & -10 °C - 40 °C stockage
    Humidity 0 % - 90 % noncondensing
    Bluetooth5.0 Bluetooth Low Energy
    WavelengthMade in factory with HgAr lamp
    IntensityAvailable in option
    Dimensions76 mm x 45 mm x 53 mm
    Weight107 g